

AI-augmented training, clinical feedback, and management of skin lesions suspicious for cancer.

Active Next round Seed Denmark Digital health

Melatech have developed a platform to assist GPs and dermatologists reduce wait times and cost, whilst also getting more people treatment.

If you go to your doctor and the doctor thinks you have a birthmark that looks suspicious, the doctor will refer you to a dermatologist for further examination. The problem is, that there are so many referrals, that wait times are months. Month long wait times are not good, when you’re dealing with potential cancer. Equally, many people with benign melanomas wait anxiety-full months to find out that nothing is wrong.
In the US, there are almost 100 million people without health insurance, who can’t afford to go to a dermatologist.

Melatech’s platform, Dermloop, solves both those issues. When the GP is in doubt, they will take a picture of the melanoma and send it to a dermatologist, who will respond within days rather than months. Patients with clear benign melanomas will get the happy result in days and the waiting list for dermatologists will be reduced. The platform also has a teaching component that will make GPs more comfortable making their own diagnosis, increasing the efficiency even more.

Last updated July 19, 2024

Founding team


Niels Kvorning Ternov, CEO

Niels Kvorning is an MD, specialised in plastic surgery, and he came up with the idea for Dermloop while he was still a student and working as a researcher.



Established: 2018

Investment: 2022

Money raised: €4.800.000

Soft funding: €4.100.000

Our investment thesis

There is a rapidly growing number of skin related consultations, which furthers an already existing supply (treatment) shortage. Unless technology aids more effective workflows for skin diagnostics, this part of the healthcare sector will be at high risk of collapse. It cannot be handled by ramping up the current methods for handling skin lesions (i.e., training more dermatologists in the traditional way), as it is too expensive and limited relative to the demand growth.By leveraging existing smartphone camera technology, it is possible for a GP (or the patient him/herself) to take a picture and share with a dermatologist for immediate assessment and subsequent next steps. Also, by enabling a dermatologist to train and supervise several e.g., nurses using the tool, it is possible to substantially expand the capacity of a single dermatologist.
