Accelerace alumnus wins Slush 100 competition

Accelerace alumnus wins Slush 100 competition

We in Accelerace are proud to congratulate our alumnus Meeshkan who just nailed it and won the official pitch competition Slush 100 at the world’s leading startup event, Slush, in Helsinki. Slush attracts around 20.000 people from the tech and startup scene every year. Every year 100 startups are chosen from thousands of applicants to pitch on the main stage. One of these startups is the machine learning company and Accelerace alumnus Meeshkan who not only got into the top3 – but won the whole thing.

A shared vision is one of the keys to success

And it was a happy and overwhelmed startup founder that we met after he had delivered his final pitch and received the honor of being announced the winner in front of a packed Founder Stage. Meeshkan is an interactive machine learning service that helps engineers build AI faster with fewer resources. And besides the pitch and the idea, Mike Solomon dedicate the victory to the shared vision of the company: “I think, that all of us in the company internally have a common vision and that vision just through osmosis occupies everything that we are trying to do. Because the vision is so strong it spills over into the discourse of everybody, not just me. It was one of our team members, Megan, who did the initial two pitches so she was able to make it this far. I only pitched here at Slush, but that is how strong the common vision is. That we can tell it together.”

No signs of slowing down

Moving on, Mike Solomon and his team have a busy development calendar ahead of them, working on tweaking a couple of things and features and hopefully kicking off some new customer relationships after a successful Slush. As the winner, Meeshkan will receive a service package consisting of consultancy services from PwC, branding and marketing aid from San Francisco Agency, and legal services from Dottir Attorneys. Moreover, they will get flights and accommodation to San Francisco to attend a series of exclusive dinners and meetings with venture capitalists in the Valley.]]>