Accelerace invests in the e-sport gaming platform Leagues

Accelerace invests in the e-sport gaming platform Leagues

Accelerace invests in Leagues, an e-sport gaming platform and one of the largest league platforms in the Nordics. This is Accelerace’s second investment within the gaming industry — and not the last.

Wants to help e-sport talents go from room to arena  

Leagues run the e-sport platform and manage the production and administration of multiple grass-roots national tournaments. The goal is to create a stable and vast league ecosystem in the Nordics, which will allow talent to go from room to arena.

In 2021, Leagues expanded beyond Denmark and ​started delivering their leagues model in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Russia, and the United Kingdom within both League of Legends (LoL) and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO). There are no plans of stopping: 

“This marks our first investment round. We would never think it possible to have such strong investors on board. This will allow us to expand on many aspects of the platform, which will introduce ground breaking tools for esports organisations and players.” 

Christian Henriksen, CEO at Leagues  

A team with a clear view on the future of e-sports  

Accelerace’s Michael Rohde Böwadt believes that the team has found a strong go-to-market model and has the right skills, knowledge, and experience to take Leagues further, fast:

“With a great and experienced team that has been able to come very far and fast, Leagues has proven their ability to execute and with their clear view on where e-sports will be in the near future we are excited to lead their first investment round.”  

Michael Rohde Böwadt, Business Accelerator and Investment Manager at Accelerace

Accelerace’s second investment within the gaming industry 

Following the investment in Digital Devotion Games, Leagues is Accelerace’s second startup within the gaming industry.

With the shift to the Games as a Service (GaaS) model, the potential is different and potentially larger, and Accelerace plans to invest further in GaaS studios in the future.

Interested in getting an investment from Accelerace? Submit your pitch deck here!

About Accelerace:

Since 2008, Accelerace has supported 800+ Danish and international startups, including Trustpilot and Templafy, through our accelerator program, made 70+ pre-seed investments and matched startups with industry-leading companies such as Tetra PakArla, and Elia. Accelerace is also responsible for the management of NOME (Nordic Mentor Network for Entrepreneurship), an elite mentoring program for Nordic life science startups.

Accelerace Invest II is the largest Danish fund in terms of the number of investments. By making approximately 30 new investments/year in pre-seed startups until 2023, the ambition is to be Denmark’s most aggressive early-stage investor.