Accelerace invests in YooNoon

Accelerace recently invested in YooNoon, which turns cassava waste into nutritious protein. YooNoon is a part of the first cohort of the Beyond Beta accelerator.
YooNoon is extracting proteins for livestock feed from cassava leaves in an environmental and sustainable way and has the potential of substituting proteins from soya. Imported soya has a huge environmental impact as it causes deforestation and damages to the rainforest. YooNoon foresees great potential in converting, what is today considered waste, into a sustainable source of nutrition while simultaneously empowering the local communities of Ghana and neighboring countries.
“With the technology from YooNoon, we have a chance of reducing the environmental footprint in agriculture quite substantially and at the same time create a fast growing Danish startup. We are therefore very proud to have YooNoon as part of the Accelerace family, both as a current participant in our Beyond Beta accelerator and as a startup we recently invested in”, says Peter Torstensen, Managing Partner and CEO at Accelerace.
Watch Jesper Lacoppidan, Managing Director and co-founder of YooNoon, discuss their future plans of extracting proteins for human consumption and building a factory in Ghana in TV Midtvest here.
About Accelerace:
Since 2008, Accelerace has helped accelerate 800+ Danish and international startups, including Trustpilot and Templafy, of which over 80% are still active. Accelerace has made 65+ pre-seed investments in startups, who have been through the accelerator program and have started partnerships with industry-leading companies such as the Novo Nordisk Foundation, Arla and Elia. Accelerace is also responsible for the management of NOME (Nordic Mentor Network for Entrepreneurship), an elite Mentoring Network for startups within therapeutics, medical devices, diagnostics, digital health and industrial biotech.
Accelerace Invest II is the largest Danish fund in terms of numbers of investments. The ambition is to be the most aggressive early-stage investor, and over the next three years, Accelerace will make between 60 and 80 new investments in pre-seed stage startups. That is, companies that do not yet have a product or service on the market.]]>