Beyond Beta’s Second Cohort: Meet the 38 Selected Startups

After screening hundreds of startups, 38 teams with the potential to build the great companies of tomorrow have been selected to participate in the second cohort of the Beyond Beta Accelerator.
In this cohort, you will find a wide range of promising business ideas, including a toy rental service, a “safety bubble” for families’ digital lives, a link-building tool for marketers, and day passes to different workspaces. Without further ado, meet the startups that will spend the next months gearing up all aspects of their businesses for rapid scaling:
Aerial Tools: a heavy-duty modular VTOL (vertical take-off/landing) drone for commercial inspections
ANYDAY: gives merchants the power to offer a fair and transparent buy-now-pay-later with world-class UX and no fractions for their consumers
ARTXP: a marketplace for online and real-life entertainment that connects locals and travelers to unique art experiences designed and hosted by artists in cities around the world
Bioapplications: an innovative recombinant protein-based antimicrobial solution as an alternative to reduce antibiotics usage in farming industries
Briight: connects, “reads” and monitors contracts and communication (e.g. emails) in order to create a one-stop-shop for a holistic overview of legal agreements
Celebrate: an app that provides learning that is on-demand and in-person, and allows the members to find and create small five-person study groups on their own time and desired location
ClearSky Vision: integrates data from various missions (Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and more) and using a novel neural network architecture to predict urban and landscape changes underneath cloud cover
Crypto Leagues: a risk-free cryptocurrency trading game in which players compete against other players in leagues for cryptocurrency prizes
Fauna: a web app for veterinary clinics to easily maintain contact with clients and update medical information, and a mobile app for pet owners to stay updated on medical history, appointments and veterinarian advice
Form First: uses video analysis to determine the faults in technique when exercising and provides the user with continuous feedback in order to improve their form and prevent injuries
GenNarrate: a proprietary AI-driven story production engine for digital games that reduces the production cost and time by automating content production, and increases retention by personalizing story content to the player’s psycho-emotional profile
Hyree: a marketplace app that brings together all small and medium-sized tasks in Denmark, and creates a match between the service provider and the customer
Joes & Cos: meets the growing demand for near-home or on-the-go workspaces by providing an app with available workspaces, meeting rooms and social events
Juicebox: a network platform that facilitates an extensive display of various music producers, sound engineers and music studios
Kaya Herbs: a vertical farm producing organic herbs under highly controlled climate conditions with LED-lighting
Kleen Hub: provides restaurants and cafes with sustainable packaging in the form of reusable stainless steel food boxes and cups to restaurants and cafes and charge them by usage
Live Klassisk: a unified digital platform for all actors from the classical music industry, where the audience can find and sort classical concerts, festivals, ensembles and venues after preference
LNR Group: an online toy rental service for children, giving access to more than 500 different products for a fixed amount every month
Mendonca Biomed: develops novel biomarkers and a simplified high throughput screening assay based on these biomarkers for the screening of transfusion-transmitted infections in donated blood
Milton Around The World: a complete analog and digital educational package that invites children to act upon complex topics related to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
Mindcamp: offers an online psychology course focused on motivation, brain knowledge, psychological tools and behavioral change
Natureventyr: fills the best and most children-friendly walking routes up to 2km with unique fairy tales and interactive challenges that make walking in nature fun for both children and adults
NGeneR: provides genetics-based individualized health risk guidance through an interactive dashboard analysis illustrating customer’s genetic composition
Panopti: offers a holistic approach to cybersecurity in taking the threat actors perspective, combined with a focus on SMBs with their specific cyberthreat and needs for clear and simple communication
REDO – Neurosystems: develops software that, coupled with traditional EEG and EMG devices, enables health clinics to guide their patients to reduced pain response, through working directly with their pain-related brain activity
SoundFlow: a unified workflow platform where users can create drag-and-drop macros, integrate workflows between numerous market-leading apps, and design their own touch surfaces to get visual, hands-on control
Soundtracktor: provides music producers with their own webshop where they can sell their music, and delivers music recommendations to potential customers, e.g. marketing agencies and film producers
Speedfriending: solves the loneliness that a significant number of Danes are experiencing by providing speed dating opportunities with strangers in a “Tinder for friends”-approach
Tabtimize: a SaaS platform where users can find contextual relevant link opportunities to their pages and request relevant links from other users directly within the platform
Tech Made Simple: provides a “safety bubble” that allows families to simply and centrally manage their digital life for all devices and users through a small device that plugs directly into your router, AI and cloud-based web app
TJAEK: a straight-forward digital platform that enables effective handling of Quality Assurance without unnecessary complexity
Videolink: offers nursing home residents a small specially developed microcomputer with a webcam, which is connected to the resident’s own TV and allows the resident to receive video calls directly from their relatives
Wavy Wonders: produces a delicious, nutritious, sustainable on-the-go snack cracker based on seaweed
We Care Team: offers a digital platform that directly connects healthcare organizations and professionals, which saves substantial costs and time and fill vacancies more efficiently by automating manual recruitment processes
WebTea: a new WordPress core and infrastructure implemented in the original WordPress shell which gives customers their well-known WordPress setup, but with a toptunet engine behind it
Weld: a B2B SaaS platform that enables companies to use their data to its full potential by offering a data warehouse, automatic data 2-way-synchronization between the warehouse and SaaS tools, and data visualization – all with a simple 1-click-install setup
Wonop: AI-based virtual assistants that help business owners and teams with tasks such as booking a dinner table, arranging travel or answering your customer’s frequent questions
Ztove: offers hi-tech cooking equipment with precise temperature control that helps users making the perfect steak, fish, hollandaise sauce, etc.
About Accelerace:
Since 2008, Accelerace has supported 800+ Danish and international startups, including Trustpilot and Templafy, made 65+ pre-seed investments and matched startups with industry-leading companies such as Tetra Pak, Arla, and Elia. Accelerace is also responsible for the management of NOME (Nordic Mentor Network for Entrepreneurship), an elite mentoring program for Nordic startups within therapeutics, medical devices, diagnostics, digital health, and industrial biotech.
Accelerace Invest II is the largest Danish fund in terms of numbers of investments. By making approximately 30 new investments in pre-seed stage startups every year until 2023, the ambition is to be Denmark’s most aggressive early-stage investor.
About Beyond Beta:
Beyond Beta is Denmark’s top-tier accelerator program for promising startups with a demonstrated growth ambition, operated by Accelerace, the Danish Business Hubs (under the lead of Copenhagen Business Hub – Erhvervshus Hovedstaden), and Danish Design Center, who have combined their experience of working with 1000+ startups to launch this next evolutionary step of European accelerators.
The platform-based approach means that startups can kick-start their journey today by joining the 100% free, online pre-accelerator, which can be used as an on-demand toolbox to build for scale or as a first step into the core accelerator program.