Celebrate the Nordic Life Science ecosystem with us

Celebrate the Nordic Life Science ecosystem with us

Be part of the biggest life science event in Denmark when the NOME Annual Meeting takes place in the Maersk Tower on the 24 October 2018. All industry stakeholders will gather and celebrate the thriving Nordic life science sector – and this year’s winner of the Startup Competition. If you want to know what is going on within life science, you can’t miss out on this one. This Wednesday,  the Nordic Mentor Network for Entrepreneurship will host the NOME Annual Meeting. Startups, NOME mentors, life science stakeholders, and experts will all gather in the Maersk Tower in Copenhagen for this unique opportunity to share knowledge and network across the ecosystem. On this day, NOME will also host the NOME Start-up Competition where you can meet high-quality life science startups from all over the Nordics. The selected startups will be pitching on stage, competing for the first prize of 50.000 kroner and a spot in the NOME program.

Healthcare visionary Homan Panahi will be the keynote speaker

As an extra treat, this year’s keynote will be held by CEO of Vator Securities, Homan Panahi, a visionary within healthcare. Homan Panahi founded Vator Securities to take an active part in building and providing growth companies in life science, medical technologies, and diagnostics with an extensive range of capital markets and advisory services. These emerging companies were often overlooked by the big investment banks, he thought while studying for his Ph.D. in Stockholm. Today, Vator Securities has executed 6 life science IPO’s since 2014, of whom 3 have passed the billion SEK market cap as public companies. At the Annual Meeting, Homan Panahi will share his personal story on moving from Teheran to Stockholm and becoming a key part in fueling the growth of Nordic health tech companies from beginning to IPO. Read more about Homan Panahi and Vator Securities here.

Secure your free ticket now

Don’t wait any longer and get your free ticket now. Last year’s Annual Meeting was a big success. Watch the after movie here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UumLS7VTz5M&feature=youtu.be&autoplay=1]]>