Enables managers to control both music and video in their store.
Active Next round Seed Denmark SaaSTuneButler is bridging the software divide between music and video in physical retailing.
Background music increases retailers sales and videos in stores increases the attractiveness and experience for customers.
Controlling both background music and video signs in your store, used to mean several very technical systems, aimed mostly at the IT-department. TuneButler have combined the control of both in a much easier to use software, instead aimed at the marketing department.
Last updated July 19, 2024
Kasper Hollænder, CEO
Kasper knows music, and has worked as both DJ and responsible for music at bars. Additionally he has hands on experience with digital signage, that TuneButler now uses to innovate.
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Accelerace believes, and invests, in music and video curation for companies.
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Established: 2020
Investment: 2023
Physical retail is changing. Stores are increasingly becoming experience-centers. That means retailers are looking to create and control the atmosphere in the stores. They do this by setting up LED screens and speakers to control audio and visuals. However, there are no user friendly tools to manage these many new screens and speakers. Neither for the store managers, or for the central marketing people at headquarters. Today high-end cars have LED lighting and speakers everywhere – and so will any physical space. Retail, restaurants, hotels and office buildings will be setting up screens and speakers, and they all need business-grade software to handle this.