22 new startups to keep an eye on

After thousands of screenings, Accelerace has kicked off the newest round of the program with 22 new startups. Meet the companies here. Updated June 4 2018: Accelerace has begun working with the new batch of startups for the Accelerace program. The companies range from energy optimizing with blockchain to reusing coffee grounds for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Although different, the startups are all characterized by their high growth potential and visions of improving not only their own bottom line but also our societies and environment.

Accelerace clean tech accelerator

VIA Science (USA) VIA’s blockchain and distributed learning AI technology called Trusted Analytics Chain (TAC) provides five sources of value to the energy industry: more data/more potential, lower cost, increased security, bigger market, and added revenue. SpinDrive (Finland) SpinDrive creates customized levitation technology. Their passion is to push energy efficiency to the maximum level and promote oil-free solutions in various industries. SpinDrive provides highly efficient turn-key drivetrains, which consist of the high-speed electrical machine, frictionless magnetic bearings, controller and condition monitoring software. GRØNBID (Sweden/Lund) GRØNBID is an online service that connects homeowners in the same geographic area to make easy and inexpensive solar panel investments as a group. SBR Cleantech (Denmark) SBR Cleantech has specialized in treating wastewater in an ecological decentral waste plant. The purpose is to protect the environment against organic waste, pathogenic bacteria, toxins and various other chemicals that rinse out in drains and sewers. Dansolar (Denmark) DanSolar is a Danish owned company founded in 2006 with headquarters and a warehouse in Ecopark, Aarhus. The company focus on a range of different products within solar energy, as well as the development of new and innovative products like the patented AirHeather technology.

Accelerace food tech accelerator

Eachthing (Denmark) Eachthing will change the way you think and plan purchases. They know that every purchase you make is based on your personal values and convictions. Therefore, they’ll let you make up with small and illogical product declarations and ensure that the information you need will always be made available individually and in a reliable, fast and easily accessible manner. If you are in doubt about a product, scan it and ask your question – they’ll find the answer for you. Impact Roasters (Denmark) Impact Roasters provide high-quality coffee directly from farms to end consumers. They also offer free roasting training to coffee chains and bakery chains. Finally, they provide free roasting machines so that green bean buyers agree to make a contract for at least five years to buy green beans from Impact Roasters. Deligate (Sweden) Deligate help grocery stores reduce their food waste and save working hours by an easy managed application that keeps track of expiry dates. They are present in 150+ stores in Sweden and Norway, and they have measured up to 30% reduced food waste. Fine Nordic (Denmark) Fine Nordic is all about going into the North to accurate a selection of the finest water sources. They focus on water as a raw ingredient and look into its composition to clarify its structure, abilities, and usabilities in collaboration with Nordic Water Institute. They strive to understand water of various compositions and create the foundation for R&D development and support the leading food specialist to improve food quality and taste.

Accelerace tech accelerator (general)

Cimmerse (Denmark) Cimmerse has developed a web-based mobile augmented reality (AR) platform. They help e-commerce business digitize their products into super high-quality 3D, and the companies can integrate Cimmerse’s AR solution directly into their webshop with one line of code. Bolverk XR (Denmark) Training in VR is better, cheaper, more efficient and fun. Så says Bolverk XR, which create simulations that hit the market in the cross between expensive hardware and legislation regulated training and re-training. Their first venture is the airline industry, where they are set to create a whole new market with a new way of training. Likvido (Denmark) They are using debt collection to help companies avoid bankruptcy. They apply the best practices from e-commerce, behavioral science and machine learning / AI to debt collection. In that way, they can collect more debt with a better ROI, and with less collateral damage on customer relationships. Sekg (Spain) Sekg provides an online platform that analyzes players’ experience through emotional reactions using biometrics, target identification and game benchmarking, to help companies create optimal experiences and thus increase ROI. The ultimate tool for game developers that also have gamers in mind. ARBlox (Denmark) The goal is to build the social platform for Augmented Reality creations on mobile devices. They wish to do so by creating a mobile app where users can make small and imaginative worlds together in real time – and access the creations of others easily. Softcare Studios (Italy) Softcare Studios has created TOMMI. A VR game developed in collaboration with doctors and psychologists and dedicated to hospitalized children to improve their adherence to therapy making them more collaborative with the medical staff. Ultimately, it will increase hospital productivity and speed up medical operations. Cavea (Denmark) The leading marketing automation platform for eSports & entertainment, delivering audience intelligence to increase sponsorships and ticket sales. Attavik (Greenland) The Attavik RED (Range Extender Device) allows users with smartphones to connect to the RED using wifi, and through the RED connecting to other RED’s up to 3-5 km away thereby reaching other smartphones in a meshed mobile network. The Attavik App enables users to communicate using text messaging or two-way voice calls without the need for any centralized servers or devices – also in areas where there is no mobile coverage. Gameotic (Italy) Gameotic is an online gaming platform that allows users to drive real vehicles in real race tracks remotely giving the users the best driving experience they’ve ever tried. ComplyTo Solutions (Denmark) ComplyTO makes GDPR simple. The company has developed a system and algorithm to simplify compliance with privacy law/GDPR specifically aimed at small and medium-size companies. FalconAI Technologies (USA) FalconAI develops advanced and sector-specific algorithms inspired by neuroscience to reinvent business processes. For example, the company utilizes Artificial Intelligence (AI) to scale fashion consultancy currently only accessible to wealthy people. They plan to deploy a series of disruptive applications in various sectors. Visualazer S.r.l (Italy) Visualazer is developing a video sharing platform based on the blockchain. A decentralized new ecosystem is driven by the community to enable the possibility for content creators to grow faster communities by being boosted by their followers through a gamification system of investments. Sonisto (Denmark) A webshop and platform selling and distributing audio plug-ins for music production programs making a complex market more simple to navigate in. Meet the Accelerace team here: https://accelerace.io/team/ Read more about national Scale-up Denmark initiative here www.scale-updenmark.com]]>