Accelerace invests in Impactly, a reporting analytics tool that helps social sector providers measure their impact

Accelerace invests in Impactly, a reporting analytics tool that offers a fast and easy solution for social sector providers to measure and report the social and economic impact of their initiatives.
Real-time data on the effects of social initiatives
Approximately 50 billion DKK are spent annually on social impact projects and initiatives through public expenditure. While the requirements for documentation on impact are growing, the difficulties of measuring and reporting the social and economic valuation remain unchanged. This is the problem that Impactly is solving.
By providing a subscription-based reporting analytics tool, Impactly helps social sector providers (e.g. social interventions and schools) clarify their extent of impact through real-time data, insights, and reporting. As a result, it will be faster and cheaper (a dream combination) for the providers to get an overview of the impact that different projects and initiatives have on their target audience, the wider society, and the economy:
“We want to help society towards a future where we know the impact of the social initiatives towards our vulnerable and exposed citizens. When we have a clearer overview of the impact, we can turn up what works and down what doesn’t.”
Johan Dubert, Adm. Director and Founder
Impactly’s features include data collection through e.g. proprietary questionnaires, tracking the progress of each citizen and for the entire target group, and Social-Return-On-Investment and Social Cost-Benefit analyses.
A team with technological, analytical and impact skills
Johan Dubert and Nicolai Lassen started building Impactly in 2019 with a combined mission of improving human problems with tech. Rasmus Rifsdal joined the founding team in 2021 with a broad background in economics and finance from holding executive positions at the Ministry of Finance and the Nordea Foundation.