Accelerace invests in Teamlearning, a team-based e-learning platform that effectively upskills the workforce

Accelerace invests in Teamlearning, a team-based e-learning platform that effectively upskills the workforce

Accelerace invests in Teamlearning, a Romania-based edtech startup. Its e-learning platform is revolutionizing online learning in corporate organizations by enabling learning and development (L&D) professionals to build team-based simulated scenarios.


The new way to upskill your workforce 

Corporates spend billions on e-learning for employees. The problem is that existing corporate e-learning platforms are not team-based, collaborative, or engaging. As a result, L&D professionals are faced with a lot of non-completed learning programs and ineffective tools.

Teamlearning allows corporate employees to learn new skills and behaviors in the most natural way. This does not mean simply consuming information, but directly interacting with colleagues, solving problems together, and exchanging information in a virtual space with simulated scenarios:

L&D professionals rely on Teamlearning to deliver the most effective learning experiences and upskill their workforce for the new world of digital collaboration. [It is done through] experiential learning scenarios and challenges: energise your virtual classroom, help employees discover ideas and concepts, and practice the newly acquired behaviours, all of these while our analytics engine provides insights for your debriefing process.”

Robert Blaga, Co-founder and CEO, Teamlearning

In practice, Teamlearning gives the L&D department the opportunity to take back control over their KPIs, including online training impact, skill transfer, and training costs. To this day, over 46 000 employees from industry leaders like Siemens, Microsoft, and J.P. Morgan have used Teamlearning’s e-learning software.


The founder experienced the problem first-hand 

After being in the L&D space for a decade as a corporate trainer, Robert Blaga was frustrated with the outdated approach to online training sessions. More specifically, how existing technology such as e-learning platforms and video-conferencing apps only focused on providing information, not practicing work-related skills:

“One thing I’ve always found to be backwards is the way we assume information is the same thing as learning. Just because you have the knowledge does not mean you can also act on that knowledge. And when the pandemic hit us in 2020, the forced move to online learning made the problem even bigger: the technology we had were designed for giving people information, not on helping them practice work skills.”

Robert Blaga, Co-founder and CEO, Teamlearning

Robert founded Teamlearning in 2021, and has the potential to create a new product category. By the end of 2022, the goal is to become the provider of choice for Europe-based L&D professionals who want to build and deploy learning across their organizations — in a more collaborative, engaging, and efficient way than today.