Accelerace pioneers new open platform

To stay relevant in a fast-moving world, Accelerace is moving away from the classic accelerator model and towards a more flexible, individualized and community-based approach to innovation with a new engagement platform for startups and the ecosystem. Think Google Suite for startup services. That is the new Accelerace Startup Engagement Platform. One platform with multiple entrances for startups to get access to make it cheaper and faster and decrease risks going from idea to series A. “Every startup is different and it is the access to critical resources that drives progress. We want to help the startup ecosystem by providing easy, fast and cheap access to these critical resources through our platform,” says Peter Torstensen, CEO Accelerace.

The cookie-cutter approach will not make it in the future

The platform will consist of a number of different services that will support the startups through the different stages of their lifecycle. They can pick and choose what they need when and get guidance on the way. This way Accelerace is moving away from classic accelerator model to an open ecosystem model. “Today, 99 percent of accelerator programs are cut from the same cloth. We don’t believe this is the way of going forward. We are moving from the traditionally closed program model to an open ecosystem where relations can easily be built cross-sectional on different levels depending on where you are on your journey,” says Peter Torstensen.

Live due diligence and co-creation

As the name suggests, the core-focus is startups. On the one side of the platform, the teams get multiple entrances to flexible and individualized processes, tailored to each startup based on their needs. On the other side, corporates, individuals, and investors can engage with the relevant startups to build innovation opportunities. “Investors and corporates have the opportunity to follow many hundreds of startups instead of just one and they’re able to make live due diligence as they can follow the development of the businesses. The startups don’t have to be bound to one mentor but can get access to all the around 100 mentors in our network.

A curated mix of services

The resources will include mentoring, access to funding, corporate matchmaking, venture scouting, access to customers and new markets, syndication, tools for growth and much more provided by Accelerace and partners. Not everyone will be presented with the same services. These will be curated by Accelerace and catered to fit the exact needs of the company or individual entering the platform. “The platform will enable us to serve more startups, corporates, investors, and stakeholders and to build long-term relationships with them. And by joining the platform they will be part of creating the economic growth of tomorrow, today,” says Peter Torstensen.]]>