Melatech democratising cancer diagnosis

Our portfolio company, Melatech, expands their clinical management and teaching platform for skin diagnostics, Dermloop, to all Danish GPs, and move into the US market. Currently 10 % of Danish GPs use Dermloop in their practice, but it has been such a success, that Danske Regioner have agreed to implement it across Denmark. That means, if you go to your local GP with mole cancer in the future, you will receive quicker treatment.
As you can see in the video there can be dangerously long waiting times for dermatologists, but with Dermloop, many benign skin lesions can be dismissed within a day. The result is much lower wait times, and less anxiety for those who didn’t even need to see a dermatologist. It will mean less time for potential cancer to develop and millions saved in public expenditure.
At the same time, Melatech are heading to the US market, where many are without health insurance and cannot afford to go to dermatologists. But, beginning very soon, the first 100.000 US patients will get access through their GP. As Melatech CEO and Co-founder, Niels Kvorning, says: “We are democratising cancer diagnosis.”
And that is not the only way: Melatech are giving the GPs access to a cheaper equipment package by e.g. using refurbished iPhones, reducing the initial cost by up to 80 %.
Both markets will equally benefit from the teaching platform that Dermloop also carries. GPs can practice their ability to diagnose skin cancer within the teaching platform, and thus be more confident in diagnosing patients themselves.
At Accelerace, we are extremely proud of how far Melatech have come, and what they do for people’s wellbeing. We have no doubt that they will continue to improve and become a huge success.
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About Accelerace:
Since 2008, Accelerace has supported 1000+ Danish and international startups, including Trustpilot and Templafy, through our accelerator program, made 200+ pre-seed investments and matched startups with industry-leading companies such as Tetra Pak, Arla, and Elia. Accelerace is also responsible for the management of NOME (Nordic Mentor Network for Entrepreneurship), an elite mentoring program for Nordic life science startups.
Accelerace Invest II is the largest Danish fund in terms of the number of investments. By making approximately 30 new investments/year in pre-seed startups based in the Nordics and Baltics, the ambition is to be Denmark’s most aggressive early-stage investor.