New fintech collaboration between Accelerace and Arbejdernes Landsbank to strengthen tech and banking experience

New fintech collaboration between Accelerace and Arbejdernes Landsbank to strengthen tech and banking experience

To make sure to stay on top of the ever-changing world of finance, Arbejdernes Landsbank is collaborating with Europe’s top accelerator to find, select, and train the best fintech startups. The engagement will be beneficial to the bank, the startups, and the clients of Arbejdernes Landsbank. Arbejdernes Landsbank and Accelerace are excited to work together on finding and selecting the very best fintech startups and bringing these into contact with the product specialists and API resources within the bank. The goal of the collaboration is to enable partnering between one of Denmark’s most customer-friendly, fast growing and modern banks and one of the world’s premier fintech ecosystems. “We believe, that Accelerace can implement a more structured approach towards fintech. Accelerace is known to keep its finger on the pulse which makes it easier for us to find what we as a bank are looking for. Our goal is to find good, simple, and innovative solutions for our clients and for ourselves to free up more time that we can spend with our clients” says Simon Jørgensen, Director of Strategy and Business Development at Arbejdernes Landsbank.


Startups get access to +250.000 customers

Arbejdernes Landsbank will closely collaborate with the selected startups and put the bank’s infrastructure at the companies’ disposal in order to meet the defined goals. As a benefit for the selected fintech startups, Arbejdernes Landsbank can provide interaction with the +250’000 customers of the bank, along with access to senior bank executives and specialists.


Towards a true commercial collaboration

Arbejdernes Landsbank and Accelerace are committed to make the collaboration a true value driver for both the fintech startups and the bank. All selected startups will get the chance to participate in actual proof of concept tests and will be on the way towards a true commercial collaboration. “Through our extensive venture scouting, we only pick the very best startups to pitch to the bank. In that way, we make sure that the companies have real value to offer to the bank and the customers, and that the bank and the infrastructure it provides will be put to good use” says Anders Handlos Grauslund, Project Manager, Accelerace and adds: “We have a long line of success in selecting startups – we will now use that experience for the fintech space.” Accelerace will be scouting for the first batch of startups and present them to Arbejdernes Landsbank this fall.   Apply your startup here:                ]]>