SBT Instruments aims for growth, not an exit

SBT Instruments aims for growth, not an exit

Ellab-Fonden has entered the group of owners of Accelerace alumnus SBT Instruments. SBT Instruments has for a while been looking for an impartial investor and we are happy they found the right match. Ellab-Fonden, an independent Danish commercial foundation that donates to a number of charitable purposes, has entered into the group of owners of Danish startup SBT Instruments. SBT Instruments and Ellab-Fonden share the same ambitions for the startup, an important piece in the puzzle of finding an investor for the startup.

Finding the right investors is not always easy

SBT Instruments works to provide the world with instruments to radically improve the standards of quality and hygiene control. Instead of chasing the quick exit, the founders want to build an economically viable business and grow it into the next big Danish industry company. On LinkedIn, co-founder and CEO in SBT Instruments Gustav Skands wrote: When you report that the goal of one’s startup does not in any way include an exit, but instead the long-term goal of building the next big Danish industrial company in a financially sound and responsible way, it can be difficult to find impartial investors who are both skilled and financially strong. For a long time, we have had a dialogue with a Danish business foundation and I am happy to announce that, just before Christmas, the Ellab Foundation took part in the owners of SBT Instruments! The new owners provide the startup with the necessary financial powers to put action behind their vision and SBT Instruments can now put an excellent A/S behind their name.

An Accelerace alumnus with great success

SBT Instruments was founded in 2014 by three graduates from the Technical University of Denmark. During a university project, they conceived the idea of developing a bacteria sensor since they saw a global need for real-time bacteria detection. The startup applied to be part of Accelerace and we saw the value in the technical solution. So did many others and SBT Instruments has won Venture Cup and Agro Business Park Innovation Competition in 2013, in 2014 they were finalists in Danish Tech Challenge, and among the top 8 out of more than 4,000 startups at Pioneers’ Festival 2017.  ]]>