Startup Insights: WakeupData
Coming up on our Startup Insights campaign, we have WakeupData! These guys are committed to creating an online data integration platform that enables simple and easy connection, filtering, enrichment and exporting of any data or feed source. In other words – these guys are good with data-processing! Read how it all started last year in this week’s Startup Insights below!
Elevator Pitch:
WakeupData is an online data integration platform that enables simple and easy connection, filtering, enrichment and exporting of any data or feed source. It is cloud based, so that you can enjoy a continuous, safe and secure service – setting our clients free of former high cost custom development.
Product/Service description:
It offers a user-friendly interface to online stores for transferring their correct and up-to-date data to countless platforms for maintaining inventories, transferring invoices, using 3rd party tools and marketing purposes.
How it works:
WakeupData consists of cleverly designed modules that are aimed to understanding your data – from product listings to financial tables. We map your data to store in a universal format, and transform it to countless export options – allowing you to deliver your up-to-date data to anywhere and anytime you like. This approach saves you weeks of development cost, and of course time.
Why did you apply for the Accelerace program?
We firmly believed that Accelerace would provide us with the very boost we needed to be stronger and more visible as a startup. Having an Accelerator in our team allows us to be more efficient, agile and goal-oriented towards proving our scalability and re-prioritizing for our potential to grow.
How did your company start, and how did you get the idea?
Product data integration – especially with platforms such as Google, Amazon or Ebay – has been a practical aspect that Dennis and Web2Media have been working on for the past few years. Knowing the increasing need for new integration tools, in 2014, they have decided to create WakeupData – an amazing software. And, the actual starting point was a client’s integration pain that others had already given up on, indicating they could fill a huge gap in the current market.
Other big news about your company? (Optional)
WakeupData keeps growing steadily with monthly additions to its clientele, and new brand and sales managers will be joining our team soon. Additionally, our software’s version for partners will go live in the autumn of this year – leading to the final step of elevating our platform to the global market.
Fun fact / information about your company:
WakeupData has handled more than 60.000.000 products.
Allan Jørgensen,
Dennis Cassøe
Employees: 2
Headquarters: Århus C
Year Founded: 2014
Website: Link
Twitter: Link
Facebook: Link
LinkedIn: Link