Accelerace invests in Skin Bliss, an AI-powered app for personalized skincare recommendations

Accelerace invests in Skin Bliss, an AI-powered app for personalized skincare recommendations

Accelerace invests in Skin Bliss, an AI-powered app that helps its users deconstruct, assess, and choose the right skincare products and routines based on their skin types, skin concerns, and preferences.


With a bajillion skincare products on the market, confusing ingredient lists, an overload of information, and buzzwords such as “all-natural”, “paraben-free”, and “blue light”, picking the right skincare products and routines can feel equivalent to conducting a full-blown research proposal.

After struggling with acute skin problems as an adult, Dr. Maria Otworowska wanted to provide people with an uncomplicated process, reliable information, and transparent explanations to make well-informed skincare choices.

The result is Skin Bliss. Unlike user-generated recommendations, which often lack scientific foundations and chemical insights, Skin Bliss provides its users with accurate and personalized recommendations. All you need to do is fill out your skin profile and concerns (e.g. skin tone, redness, acne), lifestyle choices (e.g. cruelty-free, halal info, vegan), blacklisted/favorite ingredients, what type of products you are looking for (e.g. cleansers, toners, masks) and budget — and the app immediately generates matches for you.

We invested in Skin Bliss because the founders, Dr. Maria Otworowska and Dr. Marvin Uhlmann, have the technical skills to create a truly unique AI product that can help billions of people navigate the jungle of skincare. Furthermore, the beauty standards are (luckily) becoming focused on natural and healthy looks, which makes healthy skin a must-have. This gives Skin Bliss what we call strong beta (read: strong market growth), which is the main force that makes a startup scale and become a category creator.  

How did you come up with the idea for Skin Bliss?

Skin Bliss is a mobile app that helps users find their perfect skincare match. The idea to have an app for it came through the realization that there is an enormous disconnect between the reality of a consumer and marketing claims perpetuated within the beauty industry. And the realization came through my personal struggle of having to deal with acute skin problems as an adult. Up to that point, I’d been blessed, or rather blissed, by my ignorance regarding skincare and cosmetics. But when faced with a problem, and after trying (and overpaying for) several skincare lines recommended by different experts, I was left with a general sense of despair – nothing seemed to work and my skin condition continued to worsen!

But I was a scientist by training, so I knew I had to find a way to solve this problem both for myself and for many others like me. Fast forward a couple of years and amazing team members later, and we are already making a difference for hundreds of thousands of people worldwide!